IMG 20150716 WA00043 | Cefla

Cefla partner of the conference “Energy efficiency: how to make it sustainable”

The conference “Energy efficiency: how to make it sustainable” will take place on 10 July 2015 at 2 p.m. at auditorium in Palazzo Italia in EXPO Milan 2015. It is organized by Assolombarda with the scientific support of the Italian Thermotechnical Committee. The conference is sponsored in the context of the initiatives of the “EU Sustainable Energy Week” promoted by the European Commission.

Experts in the energy sector and in the Italian and European political-institutional sector will attend and discuss the topic. Also Cefla was required to participate among the most significant companies. Eros Nanni, general manager of the Group, will present one of the end interventions of the conference: “The role of Solution Providers for a global approach to energy efficiency”.

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