60 anni Bu Finishing | Cefla

60 years of Cefla Finishing

In 2024, the Cefla Finishing Business Unit reaches a major milestone: 60 years of success, innovation and rewarding partnerships.

For six decades, Cefla Finishing has provided cutting-edge solutions to the finishing industry. Over that time, the company has gone from being a local business to a world leader, all thanks to an ability to anticipate market needs and satisfy them with innovative technology and exceptional customer service.

During these 60 years, we’ve become “the most trusted partner for finishing everything you see”.

60 years of… everything you see!

1964: the Finishing Business Unit is established
Initially experimental, the production of wood coating plants gained importance a few years later in 1969 when Cefla joined the “Consortium of Woodworking Machines and Material Manufacturers“. In the 1970s, excellent business relations were established in numerous European countries, Libya and Brazil. In 1976, in France, Cefla Finishing opened its first subsidiary.

1980s: Business relations with Pesaro-based Sorbini begin
The 80s would prove to be a crucial decade. Many patents were filed, one of the most important being the reverse roller in the sprayer cleaning trolley.

2001 – The American branch opens in Charlotte
Cefla Finishing America Inc. is founded in the USA, operating out of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Ligna: present at every edition since 1975
Every two years, since 1975, Cefla Finishing has taken part in Ligna, one of the industry’s key international events, held in Hanover, Germany.

2005 – Takeover of Düspohl
Düspohl joins the Cefla Group.

The arrival of German company Düspohl in Cefla Finishing expanded our profile wrapping and lamination skills, with synergies accelerating development of the plants manufactured at Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock.

2007 – The Suzhou branch opens
赛福徕 Sài Fú Lái is established in Suzhou, China

2016 – Jet-Set joins Cefla
With the acquisition of Jet-Set (Bergamo), Cefla Finishing enters the industrial digital printing world.

2019 – The world of integrated Italian industrial finishing
Sorbini (Pesaro) fully integrated into Cefla

2021 – Integration also continues in Germany
Düspohl (Germany) fully integrated into Cefla

2024 – 60 years of Finishing
As we celebrate our 60th year, we also look forward to welcoming a new generation. In celebrating our achievements, we are, in fact, decidedly future-focused.

Together, we need to look ahead, to be ready to deal with new challenges so we can continue writing our success story and keep our shared spirit of innovation alive. Thanks to everyone who made this incredible journey possible.

Happy Cefla Finishing anniversary… and the best of luck to everyone!

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