Cefla codice etico 2 | Cefla

The new Code of Ethics and Cefla group employees’ liabilities

In January 2022, the Code of Ethics, intended as the set of values, principles and lines of conduct that must inspire all the people who play a part in the pursuit of corporate goals and objectives, was approved by the Board of Directors.

Corporate ethics is the set of principles that define corporate values and is a standard for evaluating and defining the conduct of people in mutual relations, also as a function of the role held within the company.

The code of ethics is a code of conduct that identifies the guidelines for adequate corporate behaviour in compliance with values and fundamental principles of law. Cefla, by adopting its Code of Ethics, is committed to ensuring, through a set of principles, rules and procedures completed by ethical best practices, that all its business activities are conducted lawfully, with honesty, integrity, transparency and in good faith, and in keeping with the legitimate interests of its employees, contractors, and business partners.

The corporate mission of Creating value over time” is confirmed: this should be understood as a virtuous continuous process which, through the investment of profits in product and process innovation, generates well-being for customers and, consequently, ensures satisfactory mutuality for the benefit of the members-employees and of the whole community, and also of future generations.

Today the growth of the different business units indicates that the company is operating in multiple fields in continuous and rapid evolution. Due to the complexity of this scenario, it is important that the group strongly reaffirms its ethical and social culture, clearly defining the set of values which the Company recognizes as its own and which it shares, together with the responsibilities assumed both internally and externally.

Anyone who works on behalf of the Cefla Group or interacts with it, either being employed or supplying services, must comply with the Code. Within the limits of local legislation, all members of the group’s workforce must be aware that through their conduct, they represent the entire company, even outside working hours, whenever they act, or can be understood as acting, in representation of the Group.

The conduct of each individual actually reflects both on the internal corporate culture and on the external reputation of the company.

By expecting its values to be respected, Cefla intends to promote ethical conducts aimed at fostering a collaborative environment in which the dignity of every person is adequately protected and the well-being of and respect for all is the logical consequence of a mission that everyone promotes and is aware of.

This Code applies to all companies belonging to the Group, and to all the related activities; it is to be implemented at all levels of the organisation, in all the countries where Cefla operates.

The Code of Ethics integrates company regulations, procedures and provisions guiding its addressees in the performance of their tasks; it is therefore an essential indicator of the quality of the employment/service supply relationship and failure to comply with it may result in penalties consistent with the applicable contracts.

Cefla expects each addressee to comply with every part of the Code and with all applicable laws and regulations.

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