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Today we invest in tomorrow

Back in the 80’s, Cefla recognised the value and realised how important it was to encourage professional growth through staff training schemes. In a decade during which turnover tripled and the headcount doubled, and during which investments were made in new technologies and foreign markets were being explored, an ongoing staff training programme became an indispensable prerequisite for the company’s future. Computer courses, technical drawing courses and language courses were made available to all employees and special incentives were devised to encourage staff to take part.

Today we draw up a training scheme based on an analysis of the real needs present in our company. It covers all needs from specialised technical training to mandatory training programmes. It also aims at developing behavioural skills, group-dedicated projects, those for specific areas or functions which support other projects or organisational changes. The common denominator is that of supporting the company’s strategic development plans, promoting widespread knowledge and improvement of professional skills.
There are technical courses, computer proficiency courses, language courses and management courses which focus on team management skills.

We offer specialist courses for employees and people not working in the company, just out of school or recently graduated. Currently we are running a programme which introduces new technologies to youngsters. There are several opportunities to be had even outside the company where we give special attention to younger members of the community, high-school students who visit Cefla, take part in apprenticeship programmes or receive grants.

Today we invest in tomorrow and one way of doing so, by far the best, is via a generous offering of training opportunities.

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