TBT 6 Luglio | Cefla

Our commitment since 1932

From the 9 people that founded our company in 1932 – and this is another chance to recall their names – Astorri Armando, Bernardi Nazzareno, Camaggi Giacomo, Cicognani Attilio, Giacometti Domenico, Galassi Riccardo, Mazzini Gustavo, Rafuzi Giuseppe and Silimbani Mario, today we have grown into 1900 people, talents, colleagues.

And it’s not surprising that in this “trip down memory lane” we should yet again raise the subject of our community spirit which is at the heart of the company.

Each day we take a step forward, rising to the challenges with commitment, joining forces in our daily efforts and sharing a common goal. We do so with passion, perseverance and gratitude towards those who went before us and those who share today’s experience with us. We are proud to be part of this marvellous story of women and men who share the same values.

Today it is our turn to transfer these values to lay the foundations for tomorrow day after day.

This is the spirit that reigns in Cefla since 1932. Each signature represents each person’s commitment, each of us that believes in Cefla.

#WeAreCefla #TBT

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